& Presentations

The Books
There are currently
two books available :
"Outside-In" and "Inside-Out".
is an often hilarious account of my first twenty months of intense
spiritual questing in search of the answers to the questions "why
am I here?" and "what is life actually about?". It
records my internal struggles towards understanding and my growing,
if occasionally inept, grasp on the way life really works. My forays
into life as a communard, visits to the Findhorn Foundation and
the arrival on my word processor of a play are recorded; tears,
smiles, total mess-ups and all.
To read an extract
of "Outside-In" click
download a PDF copy of the complete book, please make a donation. |
continues the story of my experiment into life lived from and according
to my spirituality. The internal dialogue continues and I'm offered
the opportunity to move ever further towards the scary prospect
of complete autonomy. There are challenges to be faced on every
level, acceptance to be achieved, as my Mum slides into a twilight
world of dementia and a transatlantic vision quest to be experienced.
The me who emerges at the end of it all bears very little resemblance
to the one who started.
To read an extract
of "Inside-Out" click
download a PDF copy of the complete book, please make a donation. |
Coming soon, "Ragnarok",
relating the period of my spititual journey from April 2005 to my
initiation into Munay-Ki in April 2007.
To read an extract
of "Ragnarok" click
The Plays
There are currently
two plays available for performance :
"The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight", and
"Mission Entirely Possible".
An experienced professional
director, I am also happy to enter into negotiations for directing
any of these texts.
"The Last
Hours of Ancient Sunlight" is a promenade production
lasting approximately 1 hour 45 minutes, written for a cast of
12 men and 12 women all of variable ages.
In the forward to
Thom Hartmann's book, from which this play is evolved, Joseph
Chilton Pearce states "The
strange anxiety and rage which pervades our modern world is 'old
karma,' of long standing - an unconscious cycle, but one that
can be broken by conscious action."
In this mysterie
play for the twenty-first century the audience is invited to join
the cast in discovering how we got into and how we get out of
this mess. They will be enlightened, empowered and find themselves
falling about laughing immoderately while it happens. This is
a production to which you can happily bring your mates, your aunty
and the kids. Be in it or go see it and help save the planet,
NOW, while we still have time!
To read an extract
of "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" click
To download a
PDF copy of the complete script, please make a donation. |
This one-off payment includes permission to reproduce as many
copies as needed, plus all royalties and licences for your production.
"Mission Entirely Possible"
is a proscenium or open stage production ideally for a cast
of two middle-aged women. Jaqui's had wake-up calls before.
She's always ignored them. This time, aided and abetted by her
best friend Cheryl, at an age when most ladies are minding the
grandchildren, she accepts the mission of saving the planet
Earth. Someone has to be causing all this mayhem, and when she
finds out who they're in big trouble! But the search leads directly
back to herself. With songs, visual impact, and two middle-aged
women who not only ought to know better but actually do, if
you want to change the world change yourself is the message
of this hard-hitting and hilarious play.
To read an extract
of "Mission Entirely Possible" click
To download a
PDF copy of the complete script, please make a donation. |
This one-off payment includes permission to reproduce as many
copies as needed, plus all royalties and licences for your production.