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The History and Purpose of Munay-Ki

Munay-Ki comes from the Quechua word that means 'I love you' and is also taken to mean 'Be as Thou Art'. In this current context it refers to the nine rites of initiation to becoming a person of wisdom and power. Handed down from generation to generation they exist within all Shamanic traditions, while deriving a form and style of expression unique to each culture. The Munay-Ki offered here are derived from the great initiations of the Hindus Valley brought by the Laika, a group of courageous medicine men and women, across the Baring Straights from Siberia to the Americas during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. Ordinary men and women, who acquire uncommon grace and ability through prayer, study of the wisdom teachings and discipline, the Laika have kept the teachings safe until the moment came for their release to many more than their small group. They have faithfully accepted their guardianship for millennia, believing people would come to this initiation when they were ready and called to do so.

Munay-Ki is the key to taking a quantum leap in species evolution. It is a group of energetic transmissions that download directly into the Luminous Energy Field, which constitutes each individual at an energetic level, the codes for transformational evolution. These codes are downloaded into the chakra system, a group of seven major energy centres lodged within the body and attached to the spine. This spinal connection facilitates the information's transmission to the neuro-physiology and brain of each recipient, offering them the potential to complete within one lifetime a process of evolution that would otherwise take many, many generations.

Alberto Villoldo PhD is a psychologist and medical anthropologist who has worked closely with the Laika for a quarter of a century. As such he was privy to the knowledge that the final rite, previously only gifted to a few humans over the millennia, had been brought forth by the Laiki in the summer of 2006 as a transmission now available to be gifted directly between humans. He has distilled the teachings and processes involved in the transmission of the nine rites that make up Munay-Ki into an easily understood and usable format to allow for its further dissemination out into the world. The Four Winds Society, which he founded to train western Shaman, has begun the process by offering Munay-Ki across North America and Europe since that time. The intention is that those who accept the gift of Munay-Ki will go on to initiate more of our fellow men and women into these rites. Rites, which form a significant step towards the creation of the next stage in the evolution not merely of humankind but of our home planet the Earth.

The principles of daily living incumbent upon all who take this offered opportunity of Munay-Ki are:
These principles lay the foundation for the coming of a New World of harmony, love and peace to replace our current World of disharmony, fear and conflict, and are the underlying reason why Munay-Ki has become universally available now. We are coming to the end of an evolutionary era that has lasted 65 million years. Everything that constitutes the World in which we live is gearing up to switch into the new era, potentially during the period of rare planetary alignment due to take place in December 2012, predicted millennia ago by the mathematical genius of the Mayan peoples. This imminent opportunity is why Munay-Ki, in this form and in many parallel forms across the cultures, is here now. It is one of the means whereby humanity recognises its place as an integral part of the Universe and participates in that switch.

Additional Information

More information about the skilled and generous Laika, who live and work today in Peru, and about Dr Villoldo can be found at www.thefourwinds.com.

More information on Munay-Ki can be found at www.munay-ki.org.

More information on this fascinating moment in Sacred Time, in which we are currently actively involved, can be found at www.brianswimme.org and at www.awakeninguniverse.com.

More information on receiving Munay-Ki can be obtained by visiting www.munay-ki.org, including a growing list of those people world-wide who are able to facilitate your initiation and mentor you through the process. I am currently in the UK and would be happy to enter discussions with anyone who feels ready to take this step and for whom I am a practical proposition as their facilitator. To contact me email mail@carolafreebird.com

Munay-Ki Mentors

I have created a free Munay-Ki transmissions pack to assist mentors. To download a password-protected copy of the Adobe Acrobat PDF handout file click here (use left-click to Open or right-click to Save).

To download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader software click here

To download the accompanying set of mp3 audio files click here